To The Library and The Books

After meeting the peculiar two yesterday, it made me ponder back to a recent conversation I had with my boss at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor; Hu Tao. 

We were discussing about one of our clients whose husband had recently passed. One of her husband's wishes before he passed was to see what the world had to offer for him, and because he was always swamped with work, he never got the chance. 

Hu Tao jokingly mentioned how the husband of our client reminded her of myself. It hasn't left my mind since, especially with what happened yesterday. 

Around noon, I asked Hu Tao for a temporary leave and since she and I had grown so close over 20 years of working together, she permitted me to come back and work after my travels. She listed some countries I could visit on my journey and one piqued my interest; Canada. 

"A winter wonderland." She scribbled on the paper next to a doodle of the country's flag. 

I've never been to anywhere with snow, I would visit Tartaglia in Schnezhnaya but I wouldn't know how to contact him anyways once I'm there.

After sulking on my desk office for a few hours, frustrated. I called up a friend of mine from Mond to see if he has any books about Canada. Fortunately he has an acquaintance who works as a librarian. He then proceeded to give me her contact and when I dialed it up, a woman with a sultry voice replied on the other line. 

At first I had thought my friend had pranked me but I was foolish to judge before engaging in conversation. Her name is Lisa, and she works as a librarian in Mond. She was kind and walked me through everything I needed to ship the books from Mond to Liyue in less than a day. 
I took my time reading the books and Hu Tao offered to help me compile my notes into a simple 'infographic' as she calls it. 
I hope you can view the two 'infographics' properly. Hu Tao helped me make them, it was rather therapeutic, I might consider making more of them during my travels once I decide where to go to. 

I'm sure you can tell what each infographic is talking about. The one with the dominant red color with the variety of letter styles are about Canada's top natural resources. It's quite interesting, most of the resources they have are either recycled back to be used as energy or to be exported as trade. Quite ideal for a country. 

The other one talks about the political history of Canada and how it fought back against two giants; the British and the French and how they managed to now govern themselves after the French lost their half of the country to the United Kingdom. 

I'm quite fond of history myself since I've lived through it. I'm sorry, I'm quite humorous if I do say so myself. Excuse my jokes.  

And the last one is about Canada's largest exports. I made that one myself, I hope it renders in well with the others.

So far I've only learned a few things about the country from the travel guides and the history books Lisa sent me but I wish to further study and experience the country with an open heart. 

With that said, I believe that's all of the eventful things that happened today. It's rather late in the evening now, for my fellow travelers out there reading my entry, I hope you allow yourself to relax once in a while. On evenings like these after work, I brew a kettle of tea and share it with Hu Tao. 

I might write down some of my favorite blends and show you how to brew them properly to maximize your relaxation. 

Ah, my tea is done. Excuse me, traveler. I must get on going now. Thank you for spending time reading today's entry. 

-Vago Mundo 


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